The story of Capannori



Located in the North of Italy, Capannori (46,700 inhabitants) is the first town in Europe which declared the Zero Waste goal in 2007. Led by a primary school teacher, Rossano Ercolini (President of Zero Waste Europe), a small but determined movement stopped the construction of an incinerator and convinced the municipality to commit to sending zero waste to landfill by 2020. Transparency and public consultations with residents were the keys of the successful strategies:

  • Creation of a door-to-door collection system
  • Introduction of a Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) fee
  • Trainings for the community and strong engagement of the residents
  • Creation of the first Zero Waste Research Centre in Europe in 2011.
  • Opening of a Reuse Centre where items such as clothes, footwear, toys, and furniture can be repaired and sold to those in need, thereby diverting them from landfill and serving a vital social function

In almost 10 years:

  • 40% of waste reduction (average waste went from 1,92kg to 1,18 kg/person/year)
  • Separate collection rate to 82% 
  • Residual waste per capita reduced by 57%
  • Waste tariffs for residents have been reduced by 20% 
  • 93 tonnes of items were dropped at the Reuse Centre 
  • Capannori became an international example. Inspired by its success, today nearly 400 European municipalities are walking the path towards Zero Waste

Further questions?

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Other Best Practices

Learn from the frontrunners how a city can move towards zero waste


The story of Calatafimi Segesta


Calatafimi Segesta may be small, but it provides one of Europe’s leading examples of how an island municipality can implement an effective zero waste strategy whilst also focusing on improving the lives of the local community.



Separate collection



Separate collection

The story of Tübingen


The German city of Tübingen took the pioneering steps of introducing a city wide tax on single-use plastic items, which formed just one part of a wider strategy to foster reuse within the city.


Introduction of tax on some single-use items



decrease of waste in public spaces


Supported by the LIFE Programme of the European Union. This website does not necessarily reflect the views of the donors.